Our Activated Carbon products are well suited for the removal of colors in the pharmaceutical products or removal of the compounds that are causing the discoloration in them. They can work well irrespective of the strength of the color in the solution. They are very useful in removing color in
- Antibiotics
- Pain Killers
- Steroids
- Vitamins
- Active Pharmaceutical ingredients
- All types of Pharmaceutical Intermediates etc.
Our Activated Carbon Products are very efficient in removing all the contaminants like organic compounds, proteins etc that can occur during the production process. They can work well irrespective of the strength of the color in the solution. They are very useful in removing color in
- Blood plasma
- Enzymes
- Folic acid
- Amino Acids like Glycine, Mono Sodium Glutamate Methionine, Aspartic Acid, Lysine, Phenyl Alanine
- Contrast liquids
- Intravenous solution